Hi all! Still trying to figure out everything about using this blog, so Im just going to post some pictures of some layouts and cards that I've done.
I did a set of Harry Potter characters with the Everyday People cartridge. There is Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, and Dumbledore, i did 3 brooms, 5 wands and a spell book. I thought they turned out awesome, the picture isnt very good, but hopefully I will get a better one up.
Mickey hands and pants borders I did with the Mickey cartridge. Im still kinda new at using the Cricut, I've only had mine a few months, so Im trying to figure out how to make all the layered stuff, pointers are welcome!! :)
Ill try to post some pics of the Christmas cards I did yesterday on here tomorrow, can anyone tell me how to make my background on here a Christmas one?? Thanks!